Stretch Marks After Weight Loss

If you have ever wondered how to remove stretch marks after weight loss, you're not alone! Millions of women and men are faced with this cosmetic problem each day. While there's no magic solution, there are certainly ways to treat them safely and effectively without resorting to surgery. The first step to removing stretch marks is to know what they are. Stretch marks start deep inside of the skin's lower layers.

stretch marks after weight loss

When your body is rapidly expanded from puberty to pregnancy, rapid weight gain, bodybuilding, or just general stretching of the skin occurs. The color of the marks often depends on their overall pigmentation and, of course, how easily they can be removed. Bluish-skinned patients may look like melted chocolate or the red-skinned patient may appear redder, softer, and more damaged.

Rapid weight loss causes an imbalance of electrolytes, collagen, and fluid levels in the body. As these three areas are stretched, fluids seep into the dermis layer and create irreversible scarring. To avoid this, try increasing your water intake and making sure to get enough exercise. Exercise speeds up collagen production and reduces the effects of dehydration.

Women who do not get enough exercise also tend to accumulate body fat due to hormonal imbalance. Body-fat increases the appearance of marks, making it harder to get rid of. Adding more lean muscle mass to your frame through weight-lifting and other exercises will help you lose body fat and reduce your chances of developing stretch marks.

Weight loss causes both temporary and permanent scars. The temporary ones, usually seen on the abdomen and hips, fade as soon as you stop dieting and exercising. However, deep tissue markings (also known as the deep lines and wrinkles) cannot be erased by dieting and washing. These remain permanent and have a life span of around 7 years.

The most common marks that occur after loss of weight are those of collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin fibers give the skin elasticity, allowing for the skin to move and stretch without tearing. When these fibers are broken, the skin tightens, causing the marks to appear. Fortunately, there are ways to encourage the production of collagen and elastin fibers and keep their levels steady so that the appearance of wrinkles and lines does not develop.

Stretch marks are a common problem, affecting many people even after losing weight. While these marks will naturally begin to flatten out as your weight drops, many people also experience sudden stretch marks that resemble deep furrows. In many cases, stretch marks resemble purple or red lines that start in one area of the body and then spread. Some patients may even experience a whitish powdery look.

If you are concerned about these striae, you should consider going to a dermatologist and asking for a product that can help to reduce the appearance of them. There are products on the market today that work by enhancing the production of collagen and elastin fibers. Many of these products contain an ingredient called Functional Keratin, which is a protein found in your body and is responsible for making your skin elastic. By taking an effective fat loss program and making small lifestyle changes, you can significantly reduce the occurrence of stretch marks on your thighs and other areas of the body, even after losing weight.

One of the most popular creams on the market is made from a plant called Functional Keratin. If you have an ice cream with this ingredient, it will begin to flatten the lines and wrinkles that currently appear on your body. Another popular choice is a topical cream made from aloe vera. These creams have also proven successful in reducing the appearance of stretch marks. However, aloe vera must be used carefully, as it can result in painful burns if applied directly to the skin.

Other creams are available that do not contain ingredients that have to be taken internally. Creams such as these are available in lozenge forms, so that the user does not have to mix the cream, but simply apply it to the affected area. The most common ingredients in these creams are vitamin E and cocoa butter. Both of these ingredients will soften the skin, leaving it free from loose skin.

Many people find that stretching after weight loss will not only relieve the pain of loose skin, but will also improve blood circulation in the area. This allows the skin to heal more quickly after a person has lost the excess weight. As mentioned, stretching should be done for at least 15 minutes daily. If any additional pain is felt, an application of over the counter medication will alleviate the discomfort.
